
Anime illustrator

Commission status: closed

updated on 24.2.2025


Commission prices


HeadshotWaist upLegs upFull bodyChibi (full body only)
Starts at80 USD140 USD180 USD220 USD190 USD
PropsRecolorExtra characterComplex backgroundNSFW version
Starts at20 USD20 USD+ 80% of the price90 USD+ 30% of the price

Character design

Design only (colored sketch)Character sheet*Extra viewExtra expression
Starts at200 USD380 USD100 USD60 USD

*Includes: 2 views (side, front or back), 3 sketched expressions or 1 full rendered headshot, random close ups/zoom on props

Vtuber model*

Half bodyFull bodyExtra hairstyleExtra outfitNude baseProps / extra expression
Starts at500 USD700 USD150 USD300 USD200 USD60 USD +

*Includes: 3 expressions of your choice


✦ I reserve the right to accept or decline any commission request at my discretion, without the need to provide a reason.✦ When submitting a request, feel free to provide as many details as you’d like. The more specific you are, the easier it is for me to bring your vision to life!✦ I retain the right to claim the commissioned artwork as my own and I may use it for promotional purposes, including displaying it on my social media, portfolios, and other platforms. Unless privacy fee was applied. Any artwork shared publicly will include my watermark. I won’t claim your OC as my own character.✦ Please note that additional fees may apply if the commission includes characters with detailed accessories, complicated clothing, extra animals etc.✦ My art style evolves over time, so keep in mind that the final product may not look exactly like my past works. I’ll always try to meet your expectations, but please understand that colors and details may differ slightly from the reference images provided.✦ You are not allowed to claim, edit, trace, copy, or modify any finished artwork I create without my permission.When sharing the finished commission, please credit me as the artist. Your support means a lot and helps others discover my work!If you have any questions or need further clarification, don’t hesitate to reach out on my Twitter, Discord or email.


Payment can be made:
✦ 100% upfront
✦ 50% upfront and 50% after the sketch update.
I won't begin the commission until at least 50% of the payment has been received.
I'll send you the sketch within 7 business days of receiving the payment, unless specified otherwise.Colored doodle/sketch commissions must be paid 100% upfront.✦ Refunds will be issued only if I decline the service after payment or in specific case-by-case situations.


✦ Major revisions or changes to the details can be requested before I begin working.
✦ Minor revisions can be requested after the initial WIP update, and you’re welcome to draw over the sketch to show the changes you want.
✦ After the final delivery, only slight adjustments can be made.

Delivery & Deadline

✦ Unless otherwise specified, the typical delivery time for an illustration is 2 to 8 weeks.
✦ This timeframe may vary, so please note that strict deadlines will include additional fees.


✦ Feel free to reach out to me on Discord or Twitter, with all socials under @SailieArt. However, Discord DMs or emails are preferred, as Twitter notifications may not always come through.✦ Any workflow updates will be sent via platforms mentioned above.✦ If you have any questions about any part of the process, don’t hesitate to reach out to me. Thank you!

Additional fees

✦ Rush Fee (I will prioritize your commission over my current ones. Please note that I cannot guarantee acceptance of all rush fee requests.): +100% of the final price✦ Privacy Fee I (I won’t post any WIPs but will post the finished artwork): +50% of the final price
✦ Privacy Fee II (I won’t post any WIPs or finished artwork): +100% of the final price

What I Do Not Draw

✦ Mecha
✦ Art based on real photos
✦ Hard gore
✦ Furries or large animals (small animals that aren't the main focus in the artwork are fine)